Saturday, February 16, 2013

Black Out Fashion Show

I had the pleasure of photographing at the Black Out fashion show in Flint, Michigan on February 8th. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it to the event due to the snow storm the night before, luckily the highway wasn't too bad at all. I always look at fashions shows as a great opportunity to network and meet designers & models that I would like to work with. This event I decided to focus on getting male models to work with. I figured I let viewers see the preparations of a fashion show instead of getting the same shots as the other photographers. A lot of time went into getting models ready which you would see in the video that I put together. 

When I first arrived to the building I already had a plan and knew what video footage I wanted to capture. Once they told me where my seat was I knew I wasn't going to be able to get a lot of runway images. I did like the idea of how the runway was set up but the angle that the 2nd group of photographers was at, it would have been hard to get great shots without the crowd in the photograph. I only say that because the models was told not to pose just turn the corner and continue walking. Like I told another photographer there, I believe I came unprepared because a 70-200mm or a 85mm would have helped since they posed a ways away from us. 

After getting a few good runway shots I relocated backstage to mingle and get some candid shots. A photographer from Seven Seventy Photography was backstage doing the same thing. Three designers stood out to me at the fashion show, La Vas like always came with the most creative styles. Kemi Kloset was also in the show, I love the colors and how she thought outside the box while coming up with the outfits she showcased. Last but not least was bow ties by Cortez Occasional Creations I enjoyed the presentation of his designs. You would think they would had an add in GQ magazine how sharp they were. I would like to thank Jeremy Cornelius for inviting me to a great fashion show. 

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